Spanish Style Gas Stations

Spanish Style Gas Stations

This category is called “Spanish” style, but I am always loose in definitions of architecture, so this may encompass stations with a decidedly “stucco” vibe more than anything. If I’m feeling Spanish-y, it goes here. Includes Mission, Mediterranean, Spanish Revival, and all sorts. Associated Oil Company Service Station Circa 1930s Photo from: Santa Cruz Public…

Clear Vision Pump Co. Advertisements Through the Years
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Clear Vision Pump Co. Advertisements Through the Years

1918 Clear Vision Pump Co. advertisement Article from Sep 28, 1918 The Price Current (Wichita, Kansas) undefined Clear Vision Pump Co First Installs in 1918 Article from Apr 9, 1918 The Wichita Eagle (Wichita, Kansas) undefined 1919 Clear Vision Pump Co offering 10 gallon clear vision pumps Article from Sep 27, 1919 The Wichita Beacon…